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Как проверить на достоверность данные в полученных мной письмах?

Вероятно, меня донимают мошенники. Немного вас рассмешу? Мне пришли два письма. Первое: Hello Dear … I am Barrister Fred Branson, a personal attorney to Late Ing. Alexander … , a national of your country, and a former Director of Air Liquide operation USA, an Oil & Gas distribution company base in united States of America . On February 3, 2015, my client died together, with his wife and their only daughter on the New York's Train Crash, which unfortunately killed 6 people and wounded about adozen others. My client had an account valued at about ($ 18.7 million dollars ) he deposited in a bank here in USA. I'm contacting you, so that you will stand as an appointed legal beneficiary (next of kin),since you have the same last name with my client and this amount will be paid into your account then I will come to your country, you and I will share the money 45% for me and 45% for you, then 10% for the Orphanage. I don't want you to worry about the legal part of the transaction because I'll guide the transaction so that it will go in line with the law in our favor. I will need the following information from you to so that i will give you full details on how to achieve this; Your Full Name:------------- Address: ------------------ Your Age:------------------------- Occupation:----------------------------- Your Telephone, and Mobile for Communication Purpose:-------------------- I await for your urgent reply then I will give you more information. With respect, Fred Branson Law Firm 9750 Royal Lane Dallas, TX 75231, USA Phone: (254) 316-2084 Fax: (469) 423-5200 Reply via my private email: (bransonb44@aol.com) so that i can give you more details on the procedures. Я ответил: Please give me your official email? После чего получил второе письмо: Dear Sir, Thank you very much for your mail. Before proceeding I'll like to re-assure you that this business is 100% legal and I contacted you for the mutual benefit between me and you, nothing more. Please give me your honest and maximum cooperation in this matter and I assured that you will not regret your involvement. I also want to assure you that i will not hesitate to do everything that is necessary to make sure that we will gets the fund transferred to your account without delay, I encourage you to remove anything like doubt or fear completely out from this business to enable us reach to the successful completion within a couple of days. May i informed you that according to the US law, we will claim the fund without any single obstacle since you have the same surname with my client and upon the transfer to your account, the bank here will send all the necessary documents related to this fund to your bank as a proof that the fund is legally acquired. I want you to relax yourself, everything will work out fine for the mutual benefit between me and you. Be rest assured that as a legal practitioner i will do everything obligatory to ensure that we get the fund transferred to your account without any violation of the law. Therefore, you have nothing to worry about, you should take me as your personal lawyer in this matter and i will represent you fully to make sure that the bank will release and transfer the fund to your account as soon as possible. Meanwhile, I am ready to come to your country for the sharing of our fund, once the bank made the transfer to your account so that we will sit down and discuss more about investment because I want to invest some part of my share in abroad. Moreover, I am a legal practitioner and a court advocate. I cannot just damage my hard earned reputation because of this money; my plan is to join politics after we get this money and contest as a member of my country's national assembly so I have no reason to dent my political carriers. Without wasting much time, I will have to explain how we are due to commence this business. I have drafted a specimen text of fund release application, you can find the application in the attached. I will also notify the bank that you are sending an application of claim to their bank, Simply filled your information in the application form and send it to the Bank via below E-mail; BB&T Bank Corporation 200 West Second Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 North Carolina, USA Tel/fax: + 910-914-8250 Tel.: +1-347-741-8740 Contact person: Mr. Kelly S. King Chairman and Chief Executive Officer E-mail: info@bbandt-corp.com You are sending this application to the Chief Executive Officer of Foreign Remittance Department of the BB&T Bank in the person of Mr. Kelly S. King, the CEO have already assured me of his maximum cooperation in this matter to make sure that the transfer goes successful once I present someone for the claim. Simply fill your information in the attached application form and send it to the bank now to signal the commencement of this legal claim. I will be getting ready to come to your country for business negotiations and sharing of the fund as soon as the fund comes into your account. Find in the attached my Attorney license and the fund release application form which you have to fill and send to the bank to enable us gets started. I look forward to hearing from you once you send the application form to the bank. Kind Regards, Fred Branson 9750 Royal Lane Dallas, TX 75231, USA Phone: (254) 316-2084 Fax: (469) 423-5200 Website: www.fredbranson.com Office E-mail: contact@fredbranson.com Private E-mail: bransonb44@aol.com Во втором письме так же находятся несколько прикреплённых файлов, которые я, к сожалению, не могу вам переслать. Скажите, пожалуйста, как это понимать?

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, Денис, мкр. Киевский
Маргарита Комарских
Маргарита Комарских
Юрист, г. Казань

Здравствуйте, Денис. Эта схема мошенничества уже стала притчей во языцех. Барристеры не разыскивают наследников или кого- либо через электронную почту.

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Дата обновления страницы 17.03.2020